MOTU Digital Performer v11.03 Incl Keygen-R2R WiN

MOTU Digital Performer v11.03 Incl Keygen-R2R WiN-音创魔方
MOTU Digital Performer v11.03 Incl Keygen-R2R WiN
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MOTU Digital Performer v11.03 Incl Keygen-R2R WiN
Team R2R | 31 Dec 2021 | 1.07GB

DP 版本 11 提供了令人兴奋的新功能,如 Nanosampler 2.0、回顾性音频记录、清晰度图和 MPE 支持,以及 DP 用户要求的数十项工作流程增强功能。
借助 DP 的新清晰度映射功能,用户可以完全控制当今最先进的管弦乐音色库的表现力,包括 VSL、East West、Spitfire、Cinesamples 和许多其他音色库。用户可以创建或导入清晰度图来构建动态乐器和合奏,使他们能够以“前所未有的真实感和音乐冲击力”演奏、录制或编程富有表现力的表演。

每个运音法都可以在 DP 的 QuickScribe 记谱编辑器中映射到一个符号、词干装饰、备用记事头或自定义文本(例如 con sordino)。符号与它们的管弦乐库声音保持连接,因此您所看到的就是您所听到的。因为音符会记住它们的符号,所以用户可以随时立即切换地图(例如,切换到不同的声音库)。此外,每个运音法都可以触发多种形式的输出,从速度变化到音符堆栈,甚至为最先进的管弦乐队库(例如 VSL Synchron 引擎)提供支持。 DP 的图形编辑器在单独的通道中提供清晰、直观的发音编辑。

支持 MIDI 复音表达 (MPE) 和 Per-Note CC
在 DP 11 中,用户可以将来自 MPE 控制器(例如 Roli Seaboard)的多通道输出录制为带有封装 MPE 表达数据的常规 MIDI 音符。在记录一系列手势(敲击、按压、滑动、滑动和抬起)后,用户会看到一个普通的 MIDI 音符流,每个音符都包含自己的音符特定控制器(由演奏生成)叠加在每个音符之上,以便于轻松和在 DP 熟悉的钢琴卷帘中进行直观的编辑。或者,用户可以使用 DP 熟悉且功能强大的连续控制器 (CC) 编辑工具在单独的通道中查看和编辑每个控制器。新的缩放工具允许用户通过向上或向下拖动来增加或减少表达量。 MX4 和 DP 包含的其他合成器插件都支持 MPE,因此用户可以立即开始使用他们的 MPE 控制器。

DP11 为其回顾性录音功能添加了音频。现在,DP 总是同时收听 MIDI 和音频输入源,捕捉所有内容,即使在不录音时也是如此。就像魔术一样,用户可以立即回想起他们最近播放过的任何音频或 MIDI 素材。对于 MIDI 和音频输入,Digital Performer 确保您永远不会失去那宝贵的、稍纵即逝的创意时刻。

纳米进样器 2.0
Nanosampler 的这一重大升级是每个 DP 用户的首选虚拟乐器,用于创建独特的节拍、乐器和声音。放入样本并开始拉伸、切片、随机化并将音频转换为您可以想象的几乎任何声音或乐器。新功能包括:三种播放模式(经典、1-shot 和 Slice)、ZTX 时间拉伸、带有随机化和自动随机化的节拍切片、重复、反向以及从头开始重写 UI。

支持 macOS Big Sur 和 Apple 硅 Mac
DP11 完全符合 macOS Big Sur (11.x) 和最新一代 Apple 硅 Mac 的要求。不需要罗塞塔。 DP 的音频引擎针对本机多核性能进行了优化,优先处理高速内核上的音频线程,并为关键的时间敏感处理保留 CPU 带宽。

使用 Novation 和 Akai Pad 控制器触发剪辑
使用流行的打击垫控制器(如 Novation Launchpad Pro mk3 或 Akai APC-40)获得对 DP 广泛的 Clips 窗口的完全动手控制。触发单个剪辑或整个场景(歌曲的部分)。随时随地应用过滤器扫描和其他效果处理:Digital Performer 现在是一个强大的现场表演平台,可以将您的表演带到任何您可以想象的地方。

Native Instruments 和 Icon 的新控制表面插件
DP 11 包括适用于当前 Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol 系列的新控制界面插件,包括 M32、A 系列和 S 系列 MK2 控制器系列,以及热门的新 iCON Control 混合工作界面,如 QCon Pro G2/EX、Pro X/XS、Platform Nano 和 Platform M/X 系列。这些最先进的控制界面增强了您的 DP 工作流程,让您可以更快、更直观地工作。

增强的 Avid EuCon 支持
DP 的 EuCon 插件已大幅更新,包括对 Avid S6 控制台的支持。此外,您现在可以在 Windows 10 上使用带有 DP 的 EuCon 兼容工作台。

DP version 11 delivers exciting new features like Nanosampler 2.0, Retrospective Audio Record, Articulation Maps and MPE Support, plus dozens of workflow enhancements requested by DP users.
Articulation Maps
With DP’s new Articulation Maps feature, users can take full control of the expressive depth of today’s most advanced orchestral sound libraries, including VSL, East West, Spitfire, Cinesamples and many others. Users can create or import articulation maps to build dynamic instruments and ensembles, allowing them to play, record or program expressive performances with “unprecedented realism and musical impact”.

Each articulation can be mapped to a symbol, stem ornament, alternate notehead or custom text (such as con sordino) in DP’s QuickScribe notation editor. Symbols remain connected to their orchestra library sounds, so that what you see is what you hear. Because notes remember their symbol, users can instantly switch maps at any time (to a different sound library, for example). In addition, each articulation can trigger multiple forms of output, from on-velocity changes to note stacks, providing support for even the most advanced orchestra libraries, such as the VSL Synchron engine. DP’s Graphic Editor provides clear, intuitive editing of articulations in separate lanes.

Support for MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) and Per-Note CCs
In DP 11, users can record multi-channel output from an MPE controller — such as a Roli Seaboard — as regular MIDI notes with encapsulated MPE expression data. After recording a range of gestures (strike, pressure, slide, glide and lift), users see a single stream of normal MIDI notes each containing their own note-specific controllers (generated by the performance) superimposed on top of each note for easy and intuitive editing in DP’s familiar piano roll. Or users can view and edit each controller in a separate lane using DP’s familiar and powerful continuous controller (CC) editing tools. A new Scale tool allows users to increase or reduce the amount of expression by dragging up or down. MX4 and DP’s other included synth plug-ins are MPE-enabled, so users can get started with their MPE controller right away.

Audio Retrospective Record
DP11 adds audio to its Retrospective Recording capabilities. Now, DP always listens to both MIDI and audio input sources, capturing everything, even when not recording. Like magic, users can immediately recall any audio or MIDI material they’ve recently played. For both MIDI and audio input, Digital Performer ensures that you’ll never lose that precious, fleeting creative moment.

Nanosampler 2.0
This major upgrade of Nanosampler serves as every DP user’s go-to virtual instrument for creating unique beats, instruments and sounds. Drop in a sample and start stretching, slicing, randomizing and transforming audio into just about any sound or instrument you can imagine. New features include: three playback modes (Classic, 1-shot and Slice), ZTX time stretching, beat slicing with Randomize and Auto Randomize, Repeat, Reverse, and a ground-up rewrite of the UI.

Support for macOS Big Sur and Apple silicon Macs
DP11 is fully qualified for macOS Big Sur (11.x) and the latest generation Apple silicon Macs. No Rosetta required. Optimized for native multi-core performance, DP’s audio engine prioritizes audio threads on high-speed cores and reserves CPU bandwidth for critical, time-sensitive processing.

Clip Triggering With Novation and Akai Pad Controllers
Gain complete hands-on control of DP’s extensive Clips window with popular pad controllers like the Novation Launchpad Pro mk3 or Akai APC-40. Trigger individual clips or entire scenes (sections of songs). Apply filter sweeps and other effects processing as you go: Digital Performer is now a powerhouse live performance platform that can take your shows wherever you can imagine.

New Control Surface plug-ins for Native Instruments and Icon
DP 11 includes new control surface plug-ins for the current Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol lineup, including the M32, A-Series, and S-Series MK2 controller lines, plus hot new iCON Control mixing worksurfaces like the QCon Pro G2/EX, Pro X/XS, Platform Nano and Platform M/X series. These state-of-the-art control surfaces empower your DP workflow so you can work faster and more intuitively.

Enhanced Avid EuCon Support
DP’s EuCon plug-in has been substantially updated, including support for the Avid S6 console. In addition, you can now use a EuCon-compatible worksurface with DP running on Windows 10.

Other enhancements:
Live Performance Mode — All effects processing is done in real time, rather than pre-generated, for instant responsiveness in critical performance situations.
Chunk Folders and Playlists — Organize sequences and songs into folders and playlists. Playlists are perfect for building set lists for live shows.
Chunks List Split View — Improves chunk list management. For example, search for a chunk in one list section and then drag it into a folder or playlist in the other.
Multi-channel MIDI Tracks — You can now record and play multiple channels of MIDI data in a single track. Channel info is stored with each MIDI event in the track.
Enhanced View Filtering — Quickly show/hide individual MIDI channel data and/or specific event types with the expanded Track Selector.
Enhanced Support for MCU and HUI-compatible Control Surfaces — Includes improved automation toggling, scrub modes, send mode, loop toggle and much more.
More Control Surface Enhancements — V-Racks can now be displayed on all control surfaces (that support them). New track pinning modes ensure that you always see the tracks you need. New track indicator lights in the Sequence Editor and Mixing Board show which tracks are currently active on any control surface.
Track and Clip Effects — Every audio track, MIDI track and clip now has a transpose setting that leaves the original data unaffected. MIDI tracks and clips also have a quantize setting.
Intelligent Audio Interface Selection — On macOS, if you haven’t yet selected the audio hardware you wish to use with DP, it finds the best option for you.
Clips Window Enhancements — The ‘New Empty Clips Scene’ command fills empty cells with new empty clips. The ‘Double Clip Loop’ feature doubles the length of the looped portion in a clip.
List Font Scaling — Resize the text in DP’s list windows, independent of the scaling for the rest of the UI, with three independent controls for List windows, Project Notes and Lyrics.
Text Rendering and dialog box scaling on Windows — Optimized for the latest text rendering engine in Windows 10, DP’s text appears significantly crisper. DP also resizes system dialogs and menus appropriately for the size and resolution of your computer screen.
Dynamically Resizable Channel Strips — DP’s faders resize when you make the Mixing Board and Channel Strip windows taller (or shorter).
‘Transpose Exclude’ option — A new track setting locks tracks from Transpose operations.
New Scale Tool — Quickly scales per-note expression data by simply dragging vertically.

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