高端英国调音台 – Acustica Audio Sand 3 2023-R2R WIN

高端英国调音台 – Acustica Audio Sand 3 2023-R2R WIN-音创魔方
高端英国调音台 – Acustica Audio Sand 3 2023-R2R WIN1111
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高端英国调音台 – Acustica Audio Sand 3 2023-R2R WIN

Team R2R | 22 Nov 2023 | 860.3MB

Sand 3 再现了一系列高端英国调音台的声音表现,这些调音台从 20 世纪 80 年代起主导了流行音乐和麻子音乐界。 来自世界各地的音响工程师都对他们前卫、略带“攻击性”的声音和逻辑布局赞不绝口。

沙 3 EQ
Sand 3 EQ 由 3 个可切换的 4 频段参数均衡器以及 3 个附加的高通和低通滤波器组组成。

Model A 源自现代英国调音台 EQ。
B 型基于同一牛津郡制造商的另一个备受追捧的模块。
Model C 源自一款真正出色的办公桌,最初是为音乐制作而设计的,但最终也进入了广播和后期制作工作室。 它被用于无数的 R&B、古典和流行唱片中。

沙子3+E EQ
这是 Sand 3 套件中包含的第一个“自制”EQ。 它基于 1979 年首次推向市场的英国游戏机; 如今,它被认为是永远改变混音的“经典”。

该插件基于 3+E 模型,具有可切换的 4 频段参数均衡器、额外的高通和低通滤波器以及前置放大器部分。

沙子3+G EQ
这是 Sand 中存在的 2 个“自制”EQ 模型中的第二个; 这个插件源自 1993 年推出的一款著名调音台。该插件由一个可切换的 4 频段参数均衡器和前置放大器部分以及附加的高通和低通滤波器组成。

Sand 3 Comp:这是“最好的”总线压缩器
Sand 3 Comp 的灵感来自三个高端英国硬件单元。 没有什么比这款卓越的总线压缩器更能帮助您将轨道粘合在一起了; 事实上,这个模块很可能成为您最喜欢的混合总线压缩器,毫无疑问。

Sand 3 前置放大器模块
调音台中前置放大器的声音是构成特定型号声音指纹的重要组成部分,因此当我们对任何桌子进行采样时,我们力求包括单独采样的前置放大器。 这允许您在项目中按顺序使用它们,从而复制原始硬件的布局和独特的声音,或者您可以以您选择的任何其他方式使用它们,利用所选通道的单独响应。


Sand 3 reproduces the sonic behavior of a series of high-end British consoles that dominated the pop and pock scenes from the 1980s onward. Sound engineers from all over the world swear by their forward, slightly “aggressive” sound, and their logical layout.

Sand 3 EQ
Sand 3 EQ consists of 3 switchable 4-band parametric equalizers, plus 3 additional high and low pass filter sets.

Model A was derived from a modern British console EQ.
Model B is based on another highly sought-after module from the same Oxfordshire manufacturer.
Model C was derived from a truly outstanding desk that was initially designed for music production, but eventually found its way into broadcast and post-production studios, too. It was used on countless R&B, classical, and pop records.

Sand 3+E EQ
This is the first “homebrewed” EQ included in the Sand 3 suite. It is based on a British console first introduced to the market in 1979; today, it is considered a “classic” that changed mixing forever.

The plugin based on the 3+E model features a switchable 4-band parametric equalizer, additional high and low-pass filters, and a preamp section.

Sand 3+G EQ
This is the second of the 2 “homebrewed” EQ models present in Sand; this one is derived from a celebrated console that came out in 1993. The plugin consists of a switchable 4-band parametric equalizer with a preamp section and additional high and low pass filters.

Sand 3 Comp: It’s “The” Bus Compressor
Sand 3 Comp is inspired by three high-end British hardware units. Nothing will help glue your tracks together like this bus compressor par excellence; in fact, this module is likely to become your new favorite mix bus compressor, hands-down.

Sand 3 Preamp Module
The sound of the preamps in a console is an integral part of what makes the sonic fingerprint of a particular model, so when we sample any desk, we strive to include the individually sampled preamps. This allows you to use them in your projects sequentially —thereby replicating the layout and the unique sound of the original hardware — or you can use them in any other way you choose, exploiting the individual responses of the selected channels.

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