臭氧母带效果器 – iZotope Ozone Advanced 9.9.0 WiN MAC

臭氧母带效果器 – iZotope Ozone Advanced 9.9.0 WiN MAC-音创魔方
臭氧母带效果器 – iZotope Ozone Advanced 9.9.0 WiN MAC
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臭氧母带效果器 – iZotope Ozone Advanced 9.9.0 WiN MAC
作为业界最全面的母带处理套件,Ozone 通过引入新的智能信号处理、频谱整形、音调平衡控制等功能,进一步丰富了其传统。拥有超过 15 年的音频行业首创,触手可及,掌握您的音频。增强了新的、未来派的、智能的功能,Ozone 是一个具有十二个基本母带处理器的音调平衡的专业母带,是您的一站式服务。这是迄今为止最智能的臭氧版本。
NKS 支持
NKS 支持将臭氧的力量融入您的创作过程,让您在使用 Maschine 或 Komplete Kontrol 制作音乐的同时掌握。使用数百种不同的预设和映射到硬件控件的可访问参数,即时打开 Ozone 并轻松添加专业润色,同时在您的硬件上制作音乐。在不接触 DAW 的情况下添加响度、宽度和 EQ,让创意源源不断。
在当今的流媒体音频世界中,让您的音乐为黄金时段做好准备。设置智能响度目标,以防止您的音乐被带有 Master Assistant 和 Maximizer 的流媒体平台拒绝。在 Ozone 9 Advanced 中使用编解码器预览模式来聆听您的音乐被翻译成 MP3 或 AAC。将参考曲目上传到 Tonal Balance Control、Master Assistant 或 EQ Match,确保您的音乐在竞争中脱颖而出。知道您的音乐在任何格式下听起来都很棒,充满信心地创作!
Ozone 9 通过 AI 驱动的辅助工具帮助您更轻松地掌握母带,这些工具为您提供即时起点。 Master Rebalance 中的新源分离技术可让您在开始母版之前校正乐器电平,或为关键部分增添刺激。在任何混音中拥有最终决定权,完全控制您的声音。
使用 Spectral Shaper 和 Low End Focus 模块等业界首创的工具,在高端驯服刺耳的刺耳,并带出您的低端乐器。使用直观、流畅的控件来定位特定区域,以轻松解决问题或创建独特的效果。
将您最喜欢的参考曲目加载到 Ozone 9 中,循环播放任何部分,并通过按一下按钮来比较您的母带。使用新的 Match EQ 模块拍摄您的参考快照,并将您最喜欢的配置文件保存为其他歌曲的预设。或者,使用主助手根据您的参考设置自定义链。
使用不同流派的目标曲线在任何聆听环境中完成并微调您的母带。通过针对您的目标调用 Ozone 的 EQ,快速修复您看到的问题。在您的混音会话中使用 Tonal Balance Control 并调整 Nectar、Neutron 和 Relay 插件的增益和均衡器以保持频率一致。
As the industry’s most comprehensive mastering suite, Ozone adds to its legacy by introducing new intelligent signal processing, spectral shaping, Tonal Balance Control, and more. Master your audio with over fifteen years of audio industry firsts at your fingertips. Enhanced with new, futuristic, intelligent features, Ozone is your one stop for a tonally balanced, professional master with twelve essential mastering processors. It’s the smartest version of Ozone yet.

NKS Support
NKS support puts the power of Ozone into your creative process, letting you master while making music with Maschine or Komplete Kontrol. Open Ozone on the fly and easily add professional polish while making music on your hardware, using hundreds of different presets and accessible parameters mapped to your hardware controls. Add loudness, width, and EQ without touching your DAW and keep the creative juices flowing.
Ozone for Streaming
Get your music ready for primetime in today’s world of streaming audio. Set intelligent loudness targets to prevent your music from being turned down by a streaming platform with Master Assistant and Maximizer. Use CODEC Preview mode in Ozone 9 Advanced to hear your music translated to MP3 or AAC. Upload a reference track to Tonal Balance Control, Master Assistant, or EQ Match, and ensure your music stacks up against the competition. Create with confidence knowing your music will sound great in any format!
Master with machine learning
Ozone 9 helps make mastering easier with AI powered assistive tools that give you an instant starting point. New source separation technology in Master Rebalance lets you correct instrument levels before starting your master, or add excitement to key sections. Have the final say in any mix, with complete control of your sound.
Control lows, mids, and highs
Tame harshness harshness in high end and bring out your low end instruments with industry first tools like the Spectral Shaper and Low End Focus modules. Use intuitive, fluid controls to target specific regions to easily smooth out issues or create unique effects.
Match your reference track
Load your favorite reference tracks into Ozone 9, loop any section, and compare your master with a single button press. Take a snapshot of your reference with the new Match EQ module, and save your favorite profiles as presets for other songs. Or, use Master Assistant to set up a custom chain based on your reference.
Tonal Balance Control
Finalize and fine tune your master in any listening environment using target curves for different genres. Quickly fix issues where you see them by calling up Ozone’s EQ against your target. Use Tonal Balance Control in your mix session and adjust gain and EQ for Nectar, Neutron, and Relay plug-ins to keep frequencies in line.
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