压缩器 – Baby Audio iHNY-2 v1.2.0 MacOS

压缩器 – Baby Audio iHNY-2 v1.2.0 MacOS-音创魔方
压缩器 – Baby Audio iHNY-2 v1.2.0 MacOS1111
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RYZEN | 29 November 2023 | 24.97 MB

Punchy 并行压缩器 (VST/AU/AAX)
专为激进的压缩声音而设计 – 具有完全的手术控制。

IHNY-2 将传入的音频分成两个副本。 一个不受插件影响(干赛道),另一个则受到 IHNY-2 所提供的所有优点(湿赛道)的影响。 您可以在 XY 打击垫的垂直轴上平衡两个信号,同时在水平轴上设置湿轨的压缩量。 这使您只需一个动作即可操作插件最重要的控件,并快速找到最佳位置。
IHNY-2 有一个自动增益算法,可以在您围绕 XY 焊盘移动节点时为您提供一致的输出。 但如果您发现补偿增益太大或太小,您可以使用自动增益滑块来微调其行为。
在 XY 焊盘周围移动节点时,您会看到“AGR”缩写(调整后的增益降低)下显示一个值。 该数字考虑了当前的增益降低和干/湿平衡,为您提供压缩强度的值。 作为一个良好的起点,我们建议您将 AGR 水平设定在 -10 到 -20 之间。

IHNY-2 与其前身一样快速且直观。 但如果您需要更深入,调整面板可以让您完全控制压缩器。 在这里,您会发现许多 V1 中未包含的新功能。
Attack + Release:设置压缩机接合和脱离的速度。
冲孔:重度压缩往往会吸收信号中的瞬态信号。 Punch 控制可强调压缩音轨中的起音瞬态,帮助其在非常高的压缩级别下进行穿透。
谐波:想象一下一个像压缩机一样的饱和器——这就是谐波。 此功能引入了由增益降低控制的谐波饱和,这意味着更多的压缩部分更难饱和。
形状:添加我们自定义的“笑脸均衡器曲线”,以显示出低音和高音,并使压缩信号更加真实。 (笑脸 EQ 曲线是“New York Compression”与常规并行压缩的区别。IHNY-2 可以做到这两点)。
Lo + Hi Preserve:防止低频和高频被压缩到截止点之上/之下。 这是在挤压鼓总线其余部分的同时保留底鼓的好方法。

– 过采样:以 1x、2x 或 4x 过采样模式运行插件。 (我们建议 1x 以获得更好的 CPU 性能)。
– 独奏:独奏监控湿信号。 对于微调很有用 – 或使用 IHNY-2 作为常规插入压缩器。
– 工具提示:打开以在使用插件时获取每个参数的说明。
– 另存为默认值:保存您自己的默认预设,每当您打开 IHNY-2 的新实例时都会加载该预设。
– 重置为默认值:将插件重置为默认预设。
– 婴儿音频标志:绕过插件。
– 调整图标大小:调整插件大小。

– Cmd+单击:减慢调整面板中的鼠标移动以进行微调。
– Ctrl+单击 XY 焊盘节点:仅水平移动。
– Alt (Cmd) + 单击 XY 焊盘节点:仅垂直移动。
– 双击:将任何参数重置为其默认值。


苹果操作系统 10.7


Punchy Parallel Compressor (VST/AU/AAX)
Slaps So Good
Add more punch and power to your tracks with the industry’s hardest hitting compressor.
Engineered for an aggressive compression sound – with full surgical control.
Hosts a parallel signal chain internally for a fast and obstacle-free parallel compression workflow.

IHNY-2 splits the incoming audio into two duplicates. One remains untouched by the plugin (Dry track), the other is subjected to all the goodness IHNY-2 has to offer (Wet track). You balance the two signals on the vertical axis of the XY pad, while setting the compression amount of the Wet track on the horizontal axis. This allows you to operate the most important controls of the plugin in just one motion and find the sweet spot fast.
IHNY-2 has an autogain algorithm working under the hood to give you a consistent output as you move the node around the XY pad. But if you find that the make-up gain is too loud or too quiet you can use the Autogain slider to nudge its behavior.
While moving the node around the XY pad, you’ll see a value displayed under the “AGR” abbreviation (Adjusted Gain Reduction). This number takes into account the current Gain Reduction and Dry/Wet balance to give you a value for the compression intensity. For a good starting point, we recommend you aim for AGR levels between -10 and -20.

IHNY-2 is meant to be as fast and intuitive as its predecessor. But if you need to go deeper, the Tweak Panel gives you full control over the compressor. Here, you’ll find a number of new features that weren’t included in V1.
Attack + Release: Sets how fast the compressor engages and disengages.
Ratio: Sets the compression intensity from mild to aggressive.
Punch: Heavy compression tends to suck the transients out of a signal. The Punch control works to emphasize attack transients in the compressed track, helping it cut through even at very high compression levels.
Harmonics: Imagine a saturator that behaves like a compressor – that’s Harmonics. This feature introduces harmonic saturation controlled by the gain-reduction, meaning more compressed parts get saturated harder.
Shape: Adds our custom ‘smiley EQ curve’ to bring out the lows and highs and make the compressed signal more present. (The smiley EQ curve is what sets “New York Compression” apart from regular parallel compression. IHNY-2 can do both).
Tilt: Makes the compressor work harder on either the low or high end of your signal – which can be useful for controlling bass heavy material and letting the high end breathe (or vice versa).
Lo + Hi Preserve: Prevents the low and high frequencies from being compressed above/below the cutoff points. This is a great way to preserve the kick while squashing the rest of your drum bus.

– Oversampling: Run the plugin in 1x, 2x or 4x oversampling modes. (We recommend 1x for better CPU performance).
– Solo: Monitor the wet signal in solo. Useful for finetuning – or for using IHNY-2 as a regular insert compressor.
– Tooltips: Turn on to get explanations of each parameter as you use the plugin.
– Save As Default: Save your own default preset, which will load whenever you open a new instance of IHNY-2.
– Reset To Default: Reset the plugin to your default preset.
– Baby Audio Logo: Bypass the plugin.
– Resize Icon: Resize the plugin.

– Cmd+Click: Slows down mouse movement in the Tweak Panel for finetuning purposes.
– Ctrl+Click on XY Pad Node: Horizontal movement only.
– Alt (Cmd) + Click on XY Pad Node: Vertical movement only.
– Double Click: Resets any parameter to its default value.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Mac OS 10.7



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