Sonimus N-Console v1.0.0 WIN1111

Sonimus N-Console v1.0.0 WIN1111-音创魔方
Sonimus N-Console v1.0.0 WIN1111
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Sonimus N-Console v1.0.0 WIN1111

MOCHA | VST3 VST2 | 29.9 MB

使用 N-Console 多功能二合一插件为您的曲目赋予生命。 体验著名的英国 8014 硬件调音台的真实温暖和开放性,同时添加现代工作流程的独特触感以及现代高级功能,如混合/混合控制、双饱和模式、音色总线和无缝分组选项。

N-Console 只需将其添加到您的插件链即可解锁丰富的三维混音。 告别平淡的轨道,拥抱充满活力、动感和生动的声音! 在每个轨道、组和主总线上尝试 N-Console,亲自听听差异。

通过 N-Console 享受直观且用户友好的图形界面,它允许您精确、快速地调整轨迹。

借助 N-Console 强大的增益分级功能,为您的混音添加模拟温暖度和精确度。

通过 N-Console 的分组功能体验终极的混音灵活性。

使用主分组功能控制所有分组实例,允许精确的音量调整以及打开或关闭 FAT 模式的能力。 使用 N-Console,您可以自由地进行试验并保留某些实例不分组。 想要为您的曲目添加一些创意? 只需向轨道添加第二个 N-Console 通道并将其用作单独的过载效果即可。

N-Console 带来无限可能。 按照您的方式使用它,没有任何规则。

N-Console 将最新的技术资源与一系列令人兴奋的功能相结合,这些功能将显着优化和促进我们社区的混合方式。

• N-Console 可以巧妙地或激进地使用(以超速驱动虚拟或真实仪器)。
• 两种饱和模式:正常(轻微失真,高动态范围)和脂肪(较热信号,较低动态范围)。
• 可选的立体声串扰功能可在您的混音中营造深度感和三维感。
• 滤波器(低通和高通)经过调整,声音甜美悦耳。
• 可以禁用饱和度以使用N-Console 进行微调和计量。
• 总线实例具有三种可在主轨道中使用的颜色模式:默认无颜色、主响度和主明亮。
• 可以对实例进行分组,从而通过仅对一个实例进行更改来影响所有实例。
• 零延迟(如果没有过采样)、无群延迟以及针对低CPU 消耗进行的仔细优化。
• 位深度:内部64 位浮点双精度。

• Trim as Drive(修剪为驱动):只需使用我们的修剪为驱动功能调整增益,即可轻松获得令人垂涎的过载声音。
• Meter Pre:此控件将计量置于饱和之前。
• 前置滤波器:在添加饱和度之前,通过放置高通和低通滤波器来清理音频信号。
• 输出:此控件可调整音频输出电平。
• 混音:使用MIX 控件实现已处理和未处理音频的完美平衡,使您的曲目听起来更加动态和生动。

使用 VU 计量自信地进行混音。
要访问 VU 校准控件,请单击 VU 表上方。 该控制允许在 0VU(等于 -26 至 -14 dBFS)之间切换。

通过 N-Console 的分组功能体验前所未有的控制和便利。 轻松控制多个实例,并仅使用一个主实例即可对整组乐器进行调整。

N-Console 的分组控件允许您只需单击一下即可打开/关闭所有分组总线和通道实例的饱和度和 FAT 模式。 推子控制组中实例的输入音量,它可以应用于通道、总线或两者。 此外,全局饱和旁路 (BYP) 会绕过所有分组实例的饱和,而 FAT 模式开关则为所有组打开/关闭 FAT 模式。
通过 N-Console 的分组功能体验终极的混音灵活性。 使用主分组功能控制所有分组实例,允许精确的音量调整以及打开或关闭 FAT 模式的能力。 使用 N-Console,您可以自由地进行试验并保留某些实例不分组。 想要为你的主唱添加一些创意过载吗? 只需向轨道添加第二个 N-Console 通道并将其用作单独的过载效果即可。 N-Console 带来无限可能。


Windows 7 或更高版本


Give life to your tracks with N-Console versatile 2-in-1 plug-in. Experience the authentic warmth and openness of the renowned British 8014 hardware console, while adding a unique touch of modern workflow as well as modern advanced features such as mix/blend control, dual saturation modes, tone color busses and seamless grouping options.

N-Console unlocks rich, three-dimensional mixes just by adding it to your plug-in chain. Say goodbye to flat tracks and embrace vibrant, dynamic and alive sound! Try N-Console on every track, group, and master buss and hear the difference for yourself.

Enjoy an intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface with N-Console, which allows you to adjust your tracks with precision and speed.

Add analog warmth and precision to your mix with N-Console’s powerful gain staging feature.

Experience the ultimate mixing flexibility with N-Console’s Grouping feature.

Take control of all your grouped instances with the Master Grouping function, allowing for precise volume adjustments and the ability to toggle FAT mode on or off. With N-Console, you have the freedom to experiment and leave some instances ungrouped. Want to add some creative overdrive to your Tracks? Simply add a second N-Console channel to the track and use it as a separate overdrive effect.

The possibilities are endless with N-Console. Use it your way, with no rules.

N-Console combines the most up-to-date technologic resources with a range of exciting features that will significantly optimize and facilitate the way our community approach mixing.

Key Features
• N-Console can be used subtly or aggressively (to overdrive virtual or real instruments).
• Two saturation modes: Normal (subtle distortion, high dynamic range) and Fat (hotter signal, lower dynamic range).
• Optional Stereo Crosstalk feature creates a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in your mixes.
• Filters (both low and high pass) are tuned to sound sweet and pleasant to the ear.
• Saturation can be disabled to use N-Console for trim and metering purposes.
• Buss instance has three color modes to use in your master track: Default no color, Master loudness, and Master bright.
• Instances can be grouped creating the possibility of affecting all instances by making changes to just one.
• With zero latency (if no oversampling), no group delay, and careful optimization for low CPU consumption.
• Bit Depth: Internal 64-bit floating-point double precision.

Extra settings
• Trim as Drive: Get that coveted overdriven sound with ease by simply adjusting the gain with our Trim as Drive feature.
• Meter Pre: This control places the metering before the saturation..
• Filters Pre: Clean up your audio signal by placing high-pass and low-pass filters before adding saturation.
• Out: This control adjusts the audio output level.
• Mix: Achieve the perfect balance of processed and unprocessed audio with the MIX control, making your tracks sound more dynamic and alive.

Mix with confidence using VU metering.
To access the VU Calibration control, click above the VU meter. This control allows toggling between 0VU equaling -26 to -14 dBFS.

Experience unprecedented control and convenience with N-Console’s grouping function. Control multiple instances with ease and make adjustments for entire groups of instruments with just one master instance.
Create and customize group names to easily identify and control multiple instances at once.

N-Console’s Grouping Controls allow you to turn on/off saturation and FAT mode for all grouped busses and channel instances with just one click. The fader controls the input volume of the instances in the group, and it can be applied to channels, busses, or both. Additionally, the GLOBAL SATURATION BYPASS (BYP) bypasses saturation to all grouped instances, while the FAT MODE SWITCH turns on/off FAT mode for all groups.
Experience the ultimate mixing flexibility with N-Console’s Grouping feature. Take control of all your grouped instances with the Master Grouping function, allowing for precise volume adjustments and the ability to toggle FAT mode on or off. With N-Console, you have the freedom to experiment and leave some instances ungrouped. Want to add some creative overdrive to your lead vocal? Simply add a second N-Console channel to the track and use it as a separate overdrive effect. The possibilities are endless with N-Console.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Windows 7 or newer


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