RYZEN | 25 November 2023 | 145 MB
Deep Waters 是一款由水样制成的混响插件,旨在创造大气和沉浸式空间。 这种非传统的方法可以制作出超越寻常的独特混响。
Deep Waters 由 77 个水记录创建,包括河流、海滩波浪、山间溪流、瀑布和雨水。
通过通过卷积混响加载这些声音,我们创建并编程了 Deep Waters 插件,以产生深沉而优美的混响。
Deep Waters 通过可调节参数(如预延迟、高通、低通和淡出滑块)提供对混响的精确控制,所有这些都专门适用于湿混响信号。
83 个预设
Deep Waters 预装了 83 种预设,分为大气混响、巨大混响、中等混响和小型混响。
氛围预设消除了干信号,让您的音频沉浸在迷人的环境中。 巨大的混响提供宏大而美丽的混响,而中等预设则提供平衡的大小。 小混响非常适合标准混响应用。
– 77 个用于卷积混响的音频源。
– 83 个预设,分为四类:大气混响、巨大混响、中等混响和小混响。
– 参数:延迟、低通、高通和淡出。
– 随机发生器功能。
– 可调节混响范围。
– 可调整大小的图形用户界面。
– 内置延迟。
– 已安装 150MB。
– 与 Windows 7 或更高版本兼容(仅限 64 位)。
– 兼容 VST3 的 DAW。
– 与 macOS 10.11 或更高版本兼容。
– 与英特尔和苹果芯片兼容。
– VST3 或 AU 兼容的 DAW。
Deep Waters is a reverb plugin made from water samples, designed to create atmospheric and immersive spaces. This unconventional approach allows to craft unique reverbs that transcend the ordinary.
Technology behind Deep Waters
Deep Waters was created from 77 water recordings, including rivers, beach waves, mountain streams, waterfalls and rain.
By loading these sounds via convolution reverb, we created and programmed the Deep Waters plugin to produce deep and beautiful reverbs.
This results in the creation of unusual reverbs that stand out for their immersive sound and the organic texture of flowing water that is perceptible within some of them.
Reverb customization
Deep Waters provides precise control over your reverb with adjustable parameters such as predelay, highpass, lowpass, and fade-out sliders, all of which apply exclusively to the wet reverb signal.
For enhanced precision, you can graphically set the reverb’s length in the waveform display.
Additionally, the plugin features a built-in delay applied to the wet signal after the reverb, enabling you to create captivating sound repetitions.
83 presets
Deep Waters comes preloaded with a selection of 83 presets categorized into atmospheric reverbs, huge reverbs, medium reverbs, and small reverbs.
The atmospheric presets remove the dry signal, immersing your audio in captivating environments. The huge reverbs deliver grand and beautiful reverberations, while medium presets offer a balanced size. The small reverbs are perfect for standard reverb applications.
To further inspire your creativity, the plugin offers a randomization feature, allowing you to discover unique parameter combinations, as well as the option to save your custom presets.
– 77 audio sources for convolution reverbs.
– 83 presets divided into four categories: Atmospheric reverbs, huge reverbs, medium reverbs, and small reverbs.
– Parameters: Delay, lowpass, highpass, and fade-out.
– Randomizer function.
– Adjustable reverb range.
– Resizable GUI.
– Built-in delay.
– 150MB installed.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
– Compatible with Windows 7 or up (only 64 bit).
– A VST3-compatible DAW.
– Compatible with macOS 10.11 or higher.
– Compatible with Intel & Apple Silicon.
– A VST3 or AU compatible DAW.
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